Results for 'Timothy S. Rich'

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  1.  44
    The Effects of Election Reform on Legislator Perceptions: The Case of Taiwan.Timothy S. Rich - 2012 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 13 (3):317-336.
    Mixed member legislative systems have proliferated in the last twenty years, and while our knowledge of the institutional impacts has grown, we have had difficulty in separating institutional and contextual (namely party) influences. Through an analysis of Taiwan before and after the implementation of a mixed member majoritarian (MMM) system, the level of contamination between tiers and variance between parties becomes clearer. Survey results show a marked shift in constituency focus for district candidates, moving from multimember to single-member districts, while (...)
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    Christina Rossetti, the Decalogue, and Biblical Interpretation.Timothy Larsen - 2009 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 16 (1):21-36.
    This article explores the writings and thought on the Decalogue of the eminent nineteenth-century English poet, Christina Rossetti, especially in her volume, “Letter and Spirit. Notes on the Commandments”. It offers a corrective to several imbalances in the existing literature. First, scholars who admire Rossetti as a literary figure often neglect and even misunderstand or distort her Christian thought. Second, the study of the history of biblical interpretation has generally excluded women's voices. Third, a preoccupation with the rise of biblical (...)
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  3. Mindfulness in the early Merleau-Ponty.Timothy Mooney - 2023 - In Susi Ferrarello & Christos Hadjioannou, The Routledge Handbook of Phenomenology of Mindfulness. New York, NY: Routledge.
    In Merleau-Ponty’s later work we find certain themes and conceptions that show an overlap with the theory and above all the practice of mindfulness. These include the reversibility of the flesh, the richness of things in the perceived world that draw us towards them, and the emphasis on painting as that medium that brings this world of perception to light, the ways in which we perceive it and better ways of perceiving it. In this paper I argue that many of (...)
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    Dementia Prevention Guidelines Should Explicitly Mention Deprivation.Timothy Daly - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 15 (1):73-76.
    The brain requires sustained interaction with a rich physical and social environment to stay healthy. Individuals without access to such enabling environments and who instead live and grow in disabling environments tend to have greater risk of developing dementia. But research and policymaking as regards dementia risk reduction have so far focused almost exclusively on the role of how individuals’ health behaviors change their risk profile. This exclusive focus on “lifestyle” is both ethically problematic and therapeutically inadequate. I highlight (...)
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  5. Knowing when to ask: Introspection and the adaptive unconscious.Timothy D. Wilson - 2003 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 10 (9-10):131-140.
    The introspective method has come under attack throughout the history of psychology, yet it is widely used today in virtually all areas of the field, often to good effect. At the same time indirect methods that do not rely on introspection are widely used, also to good effect. This conundrum is best understood in terms of models of nonconscious processing and the role of consciousness. People have access to many of their feelings and emotions, and develop rich narratives about (...)
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  6.  19
    The Far Side of Religion.Timothy Stanley - 2024 - In Stephen Gregg & Nicole Graham, Religion and Senses of Humour. Sheffield: Equinox Press.
    The 2003 complete collection of The Far Side memorialized both the cartoon as well as the printed newspaper context in which it was initially published. While prominent theorists of the public sphere have downplayed the importance of both humour and religion, Gary Larson persistently intertwined them in playful, thought-provoking ways. Moreover, his representation of monstrous encounters provided a theme rich with religious significance. Through it, he took on topics such as God, the gods, theodicy, the afterlife, and a range (...)
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    Contextualism, Decontextualism, and Perennialism.Timothy A. Mahoney - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 36:142-146.
    This paper addresses religious epistemology in that it concerns the assessment of the credibility of certain claims arising out of religious experience. Developments this century have made the world’s rich religious heritage accessible to more people than ever. But the conflicting religious claims tend to undermine each religion’s central claim to be a vehicle for opening persons to ultimate reality. One attempt to overcome this problem is provided by "perennial philosophy," which claims that there is a kind of mystical (...)
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    Is Isaac Kierkegaard's Neighbor?Timothy P. Jackson - 1997 - The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics 17:97-119.
    I consider in this essay three possible interpretations of the infinitely rich story of Abraham and Isaac found in Genesis 22. Against the background of what I call "the traditional reading," I compare the views of William Blake, Johannes de Silentio, and Søren Kierkegaard. Blake's poetry and painting suggest a striking alternative to our usual understanding of the story, but they finally require too radical a departure from the Biblical text. The pseudonym de Silentio's views on obedience to God, (...)
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    Describing cinema.Timothy Corrigan - 2024 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Describing Cinema is part theory, part rhetoric, and part pedagogy. It examines and demonstrates acts of describing scenes, shots, and sequences in films, as probably the most common and the most underestimated way viewers respond to movies. Practiced energetically and carefully, descriptions become exceptionally rich ways to demonstrate and celebrate the activities, varieties, and challenges of a central generative movement in the viewing and interpretation of films. My motto might be an inversion of one character's tongue-in-cheek remark in Jean-Luc (...)
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  10. Husserl’s Others.Timothy Mooney - 2002 - Yearbook of the Irish Philosophical Society:102-110.
    In Great Expectations, Charles Dickens gives us an account of Mrs. Gargery going into a rage that is as remarkable for its brevity as for its insight. ‘I must remark of my sister,’ says Pip, ‘that passion was no excuse for her, because it is undeniable that instead of lapsing into passion, she consciously and deliberately took extraordinary pains to force herself into it, and became blindly furious by regular stages.’1 What is remarkable about this passage is its descriptive richness, (...)
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  11.  19
    Why The One Did Not Remain Within Itself.Timothy O'Connor - 2022 - Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Religion 10:234–247.
    Why did the omnipotent, omniscient, unsurpassably, and perfectly good being who is necessary in Himself, and having a supremely rational will, contingently create ex nihilo? What motivation could account for such freely undertaken activity, displaying it as neither necessary nor less than fully rational? The chapter considers and criticizes answers recently offered by Mark Johnston and Alex Pruss. It is argued that creation of some contingent reality or other is necessary, and that plausible reflections on the ordered complexity in God’s (...)
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  12.  52
    Collingwood and the Metaphysics of Experience (review).Timothy C. Lord - 2004 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 42 (2):232-233.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 42.2 (2004) 232-233 [Access article in PDF] Giuseppina D'Oro. Collingwood and the Metaphysics of Experience. New York: Routledge, 2002. Pp. xi + 179. Cloth, $80.00. There is a resurgence of interest in Collingwood among philosophers and political theorists in the English-speaking world. One of the scholars leading this resurgence is Giuseppina D'Oro, whose fine monograph on Collingwood's metaphysics and epistemology appears in the (...)
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  13.  84
    Is Human Nature Obsolete?: Genetics, Bioengineering, and the Future of the Human Condition.Harold W. Baillie & Timothy Casey (eds.) - 2004 - MIT Press.
    As our scientific and technical abilities expand at breathtaking speeds, concern that modern genetics and bioengineering are leading us to a posthuman future is growing. Is Human Nature Obsolete? poses the overarching question of what it is to be human against the background of these current advances in biotechnology. Its perspective is philosophical and interdisciplinary rather than technical; the focus is on questions of fundamental ontological importance rather than the specifics of medical or scientific practice.The authors -- all distinguished scholars (...)
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  14.  13
    Religious Voices in Public Places.Timothy A. Beach-Verhey - 2009 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 32 (2):203-205.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Religious Voices in Public PlacesTimothy A Beach-VerheyReligious Voices in Public Places Edited by Nigel Biggar and Linda Hogan New York: Oxford University Press, 2009. 330 pp. $53.91Religious Voices in Public Places grew out of a conference at the University of Leeds in 2003. It makes an important contribution to continuing debates about religion and contemporary liberalism. Acknowledging that John Rawls provides the paradigmatic model for articulating modern liberal (...)
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  15. Kant's Conception of Moral Character: The "Critical" Link of Morality, Anthropology, and Reflective Judgment (review). [REVIEW]Timothy M. Costelloe - 2001 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 39 (3):445-446.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 39.3 (2001) 445-446 [Access article in PDF] G. Felicitas Munzel. Kant's Conception of Moral Character: The "Critical" Link of Morality, Anthropology, and Reflective Judgment. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999. Pp. xxii + 378. Cloth, $53.00. Paper, $24.00. Given the recent trend in Kant scholarship to seek a kinder, more caring philosopher behind the familiar rules and imperatives, a study focusing on the (...)
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  16.  62
    The Schopenhauerian mind.David Bather Woods & Timothy Stoll (eds.) - 2023 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860) is now recognised as a figure of canonical importance to the history of philosophy. Schopenhauer founded his system on a highly original interpretation of Kant's philosophy, developing an entirely novel and controversial worldview guided centrally by his striking conception of the human will and of art and beauty. His influence extends to figures as diverse as Fredrich Nietzsche, Ludwig Wittgenstein and Iris Murdoch within philosophy, and Richard Wagner, Thomas Hardy, Sigmund Freud, Thomas Mann, Samuel Beckett and Jorge (...)
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  17.  10
    Jean-Jacques Rousseau and the Sources of the Self.Timothy O'Hagan - 1997
    This text examines Rousseau's powerful crtitique of the idea that the self is a transparent, self-evident given. In all Rousseau's writings, the self plays a central explanatory role, but that role is always problematic, always in question. Rousseau kept his distance from his rationalistic predecessors and his materialistic contemporaries, and in that distance we encounter intimations of the post-modern. However, Rousseau is still a realist who criticizes the pretentions of scientists, not science itself, and in doing so offered the profoundest (...)
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  18. Readings in philosophy of religion: ancient to contemporary.Linda Zagzebski & Timothy D. Miller (eds.) - 2009 - Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell.
    This anthology offers a comprehensive historical introduction to the central questions of philosophy of religion. Approximately two-thirds of the selections are from ancient, medieval, and modern sources, helping students to understand and engage the rich traditions of reflection on these timeless questions. The remaining contemporary readings introduce students to the more recent developments in the field. Each of the thematically arranged sections begins with an editor's introduction to clarify the central issues and positions presented in the readings that follow."--Book (...)
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  19.  34
    Towards a richer model of deliberation dialogue: Closure problem and change of circumstances.Douglas Walton, Alice Toniolo & Timothy J. Norman - 2016 - Argument and Computation 7 (2-3):155-173.
    Models of deliberative dialogue are fundamental for developing autonomous systems that support human practical reasoning. The question discussed in this paper is whether existing models are able to capture the complexity and richness of natural deliberation. In real-world contexts, circumstances relevant to the decision can change rapidly. We reflect on today’s leading model of deliberation dialogue and we propose an extension to capture how newly exchanged information about changing circumstances may shape the dialogue. Moreover, in natural deliberation, a dialogue may (...)
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  20.  13
    Encountering earth: thinking theologically with a more-than-human world.Trevor George Hunsberger Bechtel, Matthew Eaton & Timothy Harvie (eds.) - 2018 - Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books.
    One day, Matthew Eaton was walking through an impromptu animal shelter display at his local pet store when suddenly an eight-month-old kitten dug his claws into Eaton’s flesh. Eaton recognized that the “eyes of this cat and the curve of his claw” compelled a response analogous to those found in the writings of Buber, Levinas, and Derrida. And not just Eaton but a whole community of theologians have found themselves in an encounter with particular places and animals that demands (...) theological reflection. Eaton enlisted fellow editors Harvie and Bechtel to collect the essays in this volume, in which theologians listen to horses, rats, snakes, cats, dogs, and the earth itself, who become new theological voices demanding a response. In this volume, the voice of the more-than-human world is heard as making theology possible. These essays suggest that what we say theologically represents not simply ideas of our own making subsequently superimposed onto the natural world through our own discovery, but rather flow from an expressive Earth. With additional contributions from: Kimberly Carfore Lisa E. Dahill Celia Deane-Drummond Heather Eaton Nathan Kowalsky Abigail Lofte Jame Schaefer Cristina D. Vanin Mark Wallace Grace Y. Kao Chris Carter John Berkman Laura Hobgood. (shrink)
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  21.  17
    Transforming classroom culture: inclusive pedagogical practices.Arlene Dallalfar, Esther Kingston-Mann & R. Timothy Sieber (eds.) - 2011 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Transforming Classroom Culture lays bare the key challenges that face today's increasingly diverse professoriate. Drawing on the experience of teachers from a wide range of universities, it reveals the rich potential for transformative teaching and learning in America's college classrooms. The book's contributors demonstrate how both parties to the learning encounter-faculty as well as students--interrogate and renegotiate their positions in shifting, dynamic systems of power that reflect wider national and global contexts. University faculty, staff, and administrators will be particularly (...)
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  22. The rich and the poor on the spectrum in 1 Timothy 6:17–19: A text-centred interpretation.Tsholofelo J. Kukuni - 2024 - HTS Theological Studies 81 (1):7.
    This article applies a novel rhetorical approach, ‘text-generated persuasion interpretation’ (TGPI), to 1 Timothy 6:17–19, exploring its relevance to South Africa, particularly the national poverty line (NPL). Rooted in South Africa’s socio-economic realities, the interpretation reflects the fluid nature of wealth and poverty, requiring regular updates to the NPL by Statistics South Africa (STATS SA) because of the evolving cost of living. This fluidity is also evident in the socio-economic context of ancient Ephesus, to which 1 Timothy 6:17 (...)
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  23.  33
    Innovations in education.John Martin Rich - 1975 - Boston,: Allyn & Bacon.
    Clarifying the mission of the American high school / Ernest L. Boyer--Educational goals and curricular decisions in the new Carnegie Report / John Martin Rich--Essential schools : a first look / Theodore R. Sizer--Teaching and learning : the dilemma of the American high school / Chester E. Finn, Jr.--The paideia proposal : rediscovering the essence of education / Mortimer Adler--The paideia proposal : noble amibitions, false leads, and symbolic politics / Willis D. Hawley--Cultural literacy : let's get specific / (...)
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  24. Bibliographie raisonnée de Gilles Deleuze, 1953-2003.Timothy S. Murphy - 2005 - In Gilles Deleuze, André Bernold & Richard Pinhas, Deleuze épars. Paris: Hermann.
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    Introduction to the Richard Sylvester Citation.Timothy S. Healy - 1979 - Moreana 16 (2):91-94.
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    Flower of the Desert: Giacomo Leopardi's Poetic Ontology.Timothy S. Murphy (ed.) - 2015 - State University of New York Press.
    _A profound meditation on Leopardi’s art and thought as well as a reframing and reassertion of Negri’s own philosophical and political project of liberation._.
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    Trilogy of Resistance.Timothy S. Murphy (ed.) - 2011 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    With _Trilogy of Resistance_, the political philosopher Antonio Negri extends his intervention in contemporary politics and culture into a new medium: drama. The three plays collected for the first time in this volume dramatize the central concepts of the innovative and influential thought he has articulated in his best-selling books _Empire_ and _Multitude_, coauthored with Michael Hardt. In the tradition of Bertolt Brecht and Heiner Müller, Negri’s political dramas are designed to provoke debate around the fundamental questions they raise about (...)
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    Finding the lost images of God: uncover the ancient culture, discover hidden meanings.Timothy S. Laniak - 2012 - Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan.
    The divine architect and his temple -- The divine artisan and his images -- The divine farmer and his plantings -- The divine monarch and his regents -- The divine warrior and his army -- The divine shepherd and his flock -- The divine patron and his household.
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  29. Claudio Calia and Antonio Negri, Antonio Negri Illustrated: Interview in Venice.Timothy S. Murphy - 2012 - Radical Philosophy 173:63.
  30. Resistance in Practice: The Philosophy of Antonio Negri.Timothy S. Murphy & Abdul-Karim Mustapha (eds.) - 2005 - Ann Arbor, MI: Pluto Press.
    This collection of specially commissioned essays is the first of its kind in English on the work of Antonio Negri, the Italian philosopher and political theorist. The spectacular success of Empire , Negri's collaboration with Michael Hardt, has brought Negri's writing to a new, wider audience. A substantial body of his writing is now available to an English-speaking readership. Outstanding contributors—including Michael Hardt, Sergio Bologna, Kathi Weeks and Nick Dyer-Witheford—reveal the variety and complexity of Negri's thought and explores its unique (...)
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  31.  33
    William burroughs between indifference and revalorization: Notes toward a political reading.Timothy S. Murphy - 1996 - Angelaki 1 (1):113 – 124.
  32.  82
    Religious Liberty in the American Republic by Gerard V. Bradley. [REVIEW]Timothy S. Goeglein - 2013 - The Chesterton Review 39 (1/2):158-167.
  33.  54
    Public Financing of Pain Management: Leaky Umbrellas and Ragged Safety Nets.Timothy S. Jost - 1998 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 26 (4):290-307.
    The United States, unlike all other industrialized nations, does not have a comprehensive public system for financing health care. Nevertheless, the magnitude of America's public health care financing effort is remarkable. Of the one trillion dollars the United States spent on health care in 1996, almost half, $483.1 billion, was spent by public programs. In 1995, Medicare—our social insurance program for persons over sixty-five and the long-term disabled—overed 37.5 million Americans; Medicaid—our program for indigent elderly and disabled persons and indigent (...)
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  34.  21
    Chapter 8 What I Hear is Thinking Too: The Deleuze Tribute Recordings.Timothy S. Murphy - 2004 - In Ian Buchanan & Marcel Swiboda, Deleuze and Music. Edinburgh University Press. pp. 159-175.
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  35.  27
    The southern judicial tradition southern appellate judges and American legal culture in the nineteenth century.Timothy S. Huebner, Kermit L. Hall, Bertram Wyatt-Brown, Eldon R. Turner, C. John Sommerville, Albert R. Matheny & Anne L. Spitzer - unknown
    (Statement of Responsibility) by Timothy S. Huebner.
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  36.  45
    A Washington Chestertonian.Timothy S. Goeglein - 2009 - The Chesterton Review 35 (3/4):827-827.
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  37.  32
    Character, Virtue, and Science.Timothy S. Reilly & Darcia Narvaez - 2018 - Philosophy, Theology and the Sciences 5 (1):51.
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  38.  14
    Sympotica horatiana: Problems of artistic integrity.Timothy S. Johnson - 1997 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 141 (2):321-337.
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    Waiting for Reform: Developments in the Law of Health Care Access and Finance: 1992–1993.Timothy S. Jost - 1994 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 22 (1):63-71.
    The last year, June 1992 through September 1993, has seen a great deal of ferment with respect to access to and financing of health care in the United States. The elections of 1992 portend dramatic changes in the American health care system, and vigorous debate regarding both expansion of access to health care and transformation of the health care financing system is taking place at the federal and the state levels. In fact, however, the time period covered here produced remarkably (...)
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  40.  11
    Disequilibrium.Timothy S. H. Kwok - 2020 - Journal of Medical Humanities 41 (3):451-451.
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    Neuronal Actions of Transspinal Stimulation on Locomotor Networks and Reflex Excitability During Walking in Humans With and Without Spinal Cord Injury.Md Anamul Islam, Timothy S. Pulverenti & Maria Knikou - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    This study investigated the neuromodulatory effects of transspinal stimulation on soleus H-reflex excitability and electromyographic activity during stepping in humans with and without spinal cord injury. Thirteen able-bodied adults and 5 individuals with SCI participated in the study. EMG activity from both legs was determined for steps without, during, and after a single-pulse or pulse train transspinal stimulation delivered during stepping randomly at different phases of the step cycle. The soleus H-reflex was recorded in both subject groups under control conditions (...)
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  42.  36
    Enforcement of Quality Nursing Home Care in the Legal System.Timothy S. Jost - 1985 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 13 (4):160-172.
  43.  31
    Coalitional Physical Competition.Timothy S. McHale, Wai-chi Chee, Ka-Chun Chan, David T. Zava & Peter B. Gray - 2018 - Human Nature 29 (3):245-267.
    A large body of research links testosterone and cortisol to male-male competition. Yet, little work has explored acute steroid hormone responses to coalitional, physical competition during middle childhood. Here, we investigate testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone, androstenedione, and cortisol release among ethnically Chinese boys in Hong Kong, aged 8–11 years, during a soccer match and an intrasquad soccer scrimmage, with 63 participants competing in both treatments. The soccer match and intrasquad soccer scrimmage represented out-group and in-group treatments, respectively. Results revealed that testosterone showed (...)
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  44.  32
    " I have ordeyned and make my testament and last wylle in this forme": English as a Testamentary Language, 1387—1450.Timothy S. Haskett - 1996 - Mediaeval Studies 58 (1):149-206.
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    A persistent fire: the strategic ethical impact of World War I on the global profession of arms.Timothy S. Mallard & Nathan H. White (eds.) - 2020 - Washington, D.C.: National Defense University Press.
    The phrase military ethics is sometimes regarded as a contradiction in terms. To some, the idea of ethics seems out of touch with modern realities and sensibilities. "How can an external moral standard dictate one's actions?" some might ask. Ethics can therefore bring up memories of bygone eras that seem irrelevant. Coupled with the qualifier military, ethics can seem even more puzzling. Ethics is not merely a concern for past eras, but is increasingly relevant in an age of rapid technological (...)
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    Ricardo's Macroeconomics: Money, Trade Cycles, and Growth.Timothy S. Davis - 2005 - Cambridge University Press.
    The outline of modern macroeconomics took shape in Britain in the early nineteenth century thanks, in part, to David Ricardo, one of the most influential economists of the time. Britain was challenged by monetary inflation, industrial unemployment and the loss of jobs abroad. Ricardo pointed the way forward. As a financier and Member of Parliament, he was well versed in politics and commercial affairs. His expertise is shown by the practicality of his proposals, including the resumption of the gold standard, (...)
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    Composition, improvisation, constitution: Forms of life in the music of Pierre boulez and ornette Coleman.Timothy S. Murphy - 1998 - Angelaki 3 (2):75 – 102.
    (1998). Composition, improvisation, constitution: forms of life in the music of pierre boulez and ornette coleman. Angelaki: Vol. 3, The love of music, pp. 75-102.
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    Herculean tasks, Dionysian labor: Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri on the contemporary state-form.Timothy S. Murphy - 1996 - Angelaki 1 (3):51 – 55.
  49.  41
    Generic Enrichment in Vergil and Horace (review).Timothy S. Johnson - 2009 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 102 (3):344-346.
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    Exemplarity and Virtue.Timothy S. Reilly - 2018 - Philosophy, Theology and the Sciences 5 (2):149.
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